- Interpret technical drawings (conventions,
- Understand and recognize basic
psychological issues affecting human behaviour (reward, fear, group
dynamics, motivation, isolation, etc.)
- Project planning, work breakdown, task
assignment, monitoring
- Understand issues of personality and
apply this to select & analyze a suitable organizational unit (analyzing
personal traits, personal orientations, dimensions)
- Apply communication techniques
(talk/listen, reason/dominate, written/oral, body language, etc.)
- Representing geometrical descriptions of
ships (linesplan including CAD-formats); setting up a sketch linesplan
(matching projections, fairing, shaping, etc)
- Calculating the main ship ship
parameters from the linesplan (curve of sectional areas, volume,
center of buoyancy) through the application of numerical integration
- Computation of static restoring
characteristics (hydrostatics) of intact floating objects in still
water (metacentric height and its constituent factors, righting
moments, heeling angles) excluding effects of free surfaces, hanging
weights and ground-ship contact at launching
- Analyse the results of hydrostatic
computations for floating objects in terms of the nature of the
equilibrium (trim and heel)